I’ve not actually written a poem in maybe decades. I used to write them all the time. And they used to come to me. Then it stopped one day… or week… or year. It just fades like so many things do. This came to me the other day, ‘though the words themselves were written just […]

Ferris Bueller’s Contribution to High Frame Rates (HFR)
You’ve seen it—that high-frame rate version of Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit or Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk by Ang Lee. They are great stories. But why do they make us cringe like we’re watching an episode of a British soap opera? And why do we consider that a bad thing? Some viewers prefer it – […]

Angela McEwan, “Carmen” Passes Away
I was saddened to hear the news that Angy had passed away. She played Carmen in Donnie’s Tree as a mean, domineering old lady. Oddly, this was contrary to her personality in real life: kind, friendly and professional. I don’t know if Donnie’s Tree was the first student film she was in. Regardless, it was […]

Democratization of Technology
It has been said that technology has revolutionized the creative process by democratizing the playing field. Indeed, the personal computer has liberated many creators in the competitive and creative process. However, the same technology has resulted in a proliferation of ugliness which abounds from instant push-button digital effects to other thoughtless processes. Sure, we gave […]